The Nila theatre on Saturday witnessed a rare get-together, the coming together of three of the key players behind the 1972 classic Swayamvaram. Director Adoor Gopalakrishnan and actors Madhu and Sarada shared the stage for the first time, 42 years after the release of the landmark film, which fetched four national awards.
The get-together happened during the inaugural function of the 4th Female Film Festival organised by the Kerala Sthree Padana Kendram. On the occasion, Ms. Sarada was presented with the P.K. Rosy award, in memory of the first female actor in Malayalam cinema, who starred in Vigathakumaran.
Road to award
Mr. Gopalakrishnan, in his inaugural address, reminisced about the making of Swayamvaram and its journey to the national awards. “I was fortunate to have two of the biggest stars in the industry for my first film. But once the film released, a lobby started working to deny it all the awards. We sent a long letter to the National jury requesting them to watch the film. Fortunately, a print of the film which was sent to the Moscow film festival had arrived back in Delhi at that time and the jury happened to see it. The fact that the film had less dialogues also probably worked in its favour. The experience tells that if you do your work sincerely, the awards will follow. These days, there is too much lobbying for awards.”
Ms. Sarada said she was fortunate to have received the maiden award in the name of P.K. Rosy.
Mr. Madhu said that few women from Kerala are coming forward to act in films, which has led to those from outside taking their place in many films.
Fourteen films will be screened at the festival in four days. Seminars and debates are arranged as part of the festival at the Gandhi Park at 5 p.m. on all four days.
source: / The Hindu / Home> News> Cities> Thiruvananthapuram / by S.R. Praveen / Thiruvananthapuram – September 28th, 2014